Vaginal Inflammation
What are the causes?

Vaginal inflammation, or vaginitis, is usually a bacterial infection but can also be caused by allergic reactions to perfume, soaps and sometimes the material that some condoms are made from.

When vaginal inflammation is caused by the irritation from a allergic reaction to something effecting the vaginal area, this can sometimes prove to be difficult to diagnose. Through the process of elimination, taking on the role of detective, you can find the source of the reaction you were experiencing. As an example, changing brands of soap, and perfumes you use could stop the inflammation.

What are some of the symptoms associated with vaginal inflammation?

  1. Smell and color change of the vaginal area.
  2. Change of vaginal discharge.
  3. Burning or itching discomfort in the vagina.
  4. Discomfort during sex, or passing water.

What are the causes of vaginitis?

Gardnerella vaginalis is the medical term for bacterial vaginosis. This happens when bacteria grows in the area. This causes the vagina's acidity to become alkaline, sometimes causing a foamy, greyish discharge that is accompanied by a fish like odor.

Thrush infection is another cause of vaginal inflammation. Thrush is the most common cause of vaginal infection. Thrush is a yeast infection also known as Candidiasis. Yeast infection usually produce a white discharge. Which in some women can be odorless or smell like yeast.

Taking antibiotics can kill off the friendly bacteria and cause an over abundance of yeast to grow.

The contraceptive pill affects hormones that in turn affects the ability to metabolize sugar. The more sugar in the body the more yeast can and does grow.

A yeast infection is caused by one of the many species of fungus that are known as Candida. These cells can be found in the mouth, throat, skin, small intestines, and genitourinary tract. (Genitourinary track includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethrs).

The symptoms of this type of infection is the persistent itching in the vaginal area.

Here are a few other causes of vaginal inflammation.

Tichomonas is caused by the presence of a small organism called a flagellate. The symptoms of this type of vaginal inflammation is an itching, pain or burning sensation in the vagina. This is followed by a greenish yellow discharge.

Chlamydia is a lesser cause of vaginitis. It is considered a STD, or sexually transmitted disease. This disease does not often produce symptoms by itself. Diagnosis is made by taking a sample from the urethra or cervix.

Gonorrhoea is bacterial and is transmitted sexually. Once very common years ago, today this sexually transmitted disease is not commonly seen anymore. The presence of gonorrhoea will sometimes go undetected because the symptoms in women can go unnoticed. However, some women might experience a burning sensation while urinating when they have this disease. Diagnosis can be confirmed by swabbing the urethra and cervix area.

Herpes is considered another STD. While it is possible to contract the herpes simplex virus via cold sores, most often it is passed by having sex with someone already infected with herpes. Vaginal inflammation occurs from small blisters that crop up in the vaginal area. Fever, burning urination and inflammation of the vagina are usually experience the first time they have an outbreak of herpes.

What can we do to help our body in its fight to keep us healthy?

Many women have found that taking probiotics helps create a balance of good bacteria in the body.

You can make your own by buying the culture for it in the supermarket or your local health food store. The name that my hubby and I use is called Kefir. My hubby loves helping in the kitchen so he does it for us.

These are just a few things that we can do to help our body maintain it's healthy balance.

My Disclaimer: The information presented on this site is not intended to replace the advice of your Doctor. The information is for educational purposes. All health conditions should be treated by a health practitioner. This site is not meant to dispense medical advise, and does not assume responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves. 

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